Céline Chatti

EtapeTransition Founder

Executive Coach for high Achievers & Family Business Expert


«I believe that Change begins with ONESELF.

Self-Knowledge  and emotional intelligence are profound and powerful leverages for personal growth, professional efficiency and genuine inner alignement. » 


Favorite words : PLEASURE AND POWER

Totem Animal : butterfly 

Signe particulier : Passionnate about ETHOLOGIE 

Specific Competencies : "Eyes opener" 



“I first began, and spent most of my first half of professional career, within small and medium companies as well as in international corporations, working in sales, training, communication and marketing.

But instead of introducing a sound professional background, wouldn't you be  more interested in knowing who I really am ?
I am an adventurous, intensive, intuitive and persistent lady putting tireless effort to look for authenticity, self-consciousness and achievements. I like to step out of my confort zone, explore my potentiality and  find out unscousicous patterns, behaviors, limiting belief about myself.  I want to be able to act on them when it is still time.

Today I guide on this exploration, Corporates, line, BU managers, Consultants and in Family Business, founders and Next Gen. upon the challenges and issues they face, either individually or collectively.


You are surely really GOOD at what you do.

I aim to make you GREAT for yourself and for the team you lead !

How  ?


With "a secret ingredient" of mine that generates effective results when associated with your eagerness to perform and to win.

My clients define me as an « eyes-opener » who accelerates their awareness and potential. I do it by combining a genuine empathy  with a straitforward questioning approach to support achievers on their path to a higher level of accomplishment. 
Now follow you intuition and find out how much my profil resonates with you.
First step is to choose the right person for your needs.
Ready ?

Parcours & certifications


My coaching practice is supervised by Nathalie Ducrot, Master Coach ICF, Certified Supervisor, CSA Speaker.


My practice is mentored by Ian Macnaughton, Ph.D. FFI fellow founder of Transition Point Coaching in Vancouver, Canada. He has more than 35 years’ experience in the field and is an FIA-certified expert in family relationships, family enterprise and has experience in his own family business.


The team I am delighted to work with...

Frederic Noaro

25 years of experience in Team Management in various field such as : food industry, Publishing in France, USA and Ausrtralia, Frederic has become over years a sound professional manager and Team coach. Passionnate about Collective Intelligence he has designed his own model to help team move from a state of mind to another. His enthuiasm and  energy support team toward Change in a very authentic way.
  • Executive Team Coach HEC Paris
  • Professionnel Ilead certified  ILead and Dialogue Coach
  •  Co-fonder Danone Sales University
  •  MBA Marketing-Sales, NEOMA Business School (Reims),

Charlotte Frederiksen

Charlotte has started her career in a communication agency in Paris and in California. She has been leaving in Basel since 2005 where she has been External Communication manager for a pharmaceutical company for almost 8 years. 

She knows perfectly well the business environment, people interactions and daily challenges. Since 3 years Charlotte has evolved as a coach and master the art of "following its intuition". She has developed her own methodology to guide her clients through a specific coaching process to make change in their life happen. She organizes conferences in France and in Switzerland regularly.

  • Master in Communication Paris
  • Executive Coaching CESA HEC Paris

Our Core Values

(And this is not only words to make nice)


"We believe in self-honnesty as a way to increase self-awareness, growth and peace with ourselves and with others"




"Courage and transparency are needed  to be opened and speak truly. This enables powerful consciousness moments to arise".




"We believe in each one's full capacity, to learn, grow and to develop its own ressources.This is what we aim to when guiding our clients. To find out  what will empower them in a long and sustainable way."



"Professional Guidance for our clients is a must for us. We have followed among the highest trainings and certifications existing in the coaching field and have commited to continous training as well as supervison process all along our professional path "